Being able to pull the levers of power is an essential skill if one wants to make a difference in how society functions; however, thanks to layers upon layers of bureaucratic nonsense, pulling the levers is not only extremely difficult but also time intensive. The Legislative Branch of SAGE aims to make being an active member of the legislative process relatively easy by providing important information about current and past legislative action regarding climate change, sustainability, and environmental preservation.
Voting in Los Angeles this fall? A bit overwhelmed trying to research everything you're voting on? Want your vote to help our government become more sustainable? Check out SAGE's Sustainable Voter's Guide. We've gone through the ballot, determined which offices and propositions have an influence on sustainability, and provided you with information and endorsements.
Each year at UCLA, SAGE hosts Climate Action Night, where students groups present on current bills that are on the ballot in California or being pushed through the legislative process that are relevant to climate change, sustainability, and environmental preservation, in an effort to help educate voters.
Interested in how bills pass through the legislative process? Want to know when to jump in to have your voice heard? Curious about what work has been done regarding sustainability by the government? Check out the archives, chock full of piles of reasonably organized information on the legislative aspect of sustainability.